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Our school focuses on learning, and values the partnership of children, staff and parents in the education process. Specialist teachers provide learning programs in the areas of Visual Arts, Music, Library, Performing Arts, Physical Education, English as an additional Second Language and Languages Other Than English (Indonesian). 

Performing Arts

Thanks to our Performing Arts Centre, children are provided with a number of opportunities to develop their skills in the performing arts areas.


Children participate in weekly performing arts sessions incorporating music, dance and drama from Prep to Grade 6. Wherever applicable, a cross-arts approach is used enabling children to explore topics in a number of the arts strands. 


All children learn the recorder from Grade 3.  There is also an instrumental programme during school hours.  Children are given the opportunity to learn to play the piano, keyboard, violin, woodwind and brass instruments on a user pays basis. 


Children in Grades 3-6 are able to join the school choir, which rehearses weekly and participates in a number of performances throughout the year. Every second year the Grade 5 & 6 students are involved in a Major Musical production. In alternate years there is a minor musical production.



Visual Arts

The visual arts program is taught by a qualified specialist teacher.  The students are encouraged to develop creative, individual thought and expression through drawing, collage, painting, printing, construction, modelling, textiles and art appreciation activities. 


Examples of our Arts program can be seen by viewing the visual art works displayed around the school.

Physical Education & Health

The Physical Education Program is currently taught by a specialist Physical Education teacher and classroom teachers. 


Our Health and Physical Education curriculum impacts on the physical, social, emotional and mental health of the students. It promotes the potential for lifelong participation in physical activity through the development of motor skills and movement competence, health-related physical fitness and sport education. It requires the students to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviour that enable them to maintain good health and live a healthy lifestyle, understanding the role of physical activity in ensuring good health, engage in physical activity. 


A wide variety of topics and activities are undertaken by students to achieve these aims.



Language Other Than English (L.O.T.E):
AUSLAN and Indonesian

Students in Prep to Year 6 are given experiences in both AUSLAN and the Indonesian language and culture.  Children are able to continue these studies at local secondary schools.


Students learn Indonesian Language skills and participate in cultural activities through an engaging and sequential program.

The AUSLAN program is also offered in rotation with Indonesian and is the sign language used by the majority of the Australian Deaf community.


The Library is a multi-use space, utilised by students all across the school. Students from Prep to Year 6 use our Library as part of a scheduled class one period per week. During these sessions, students are encouraged to borrow library books to take home to their families.


In order to borrow, students must have their designated library book bag. Students are provided with a library bag when they commence their schooling at Mitcham Primary School in Prep. Library bags for new students, or replacements for lost bags, can be purchased from the Mitcham Primary School Office.


Our Library is open for lunchtime reading on scheduled days, and also hosts numerous events throughout the year, such as a Book Fair in Term 2 and 4, National Simultaneous Storytime, Book Week Celebrations and an annual Author Visit. 

Information Communication Technology

The technology program is integrated into all curriculum areas and assists students develop technological knowledge, skills and confidence.


Our school is well resourced with networked computer facilities in our laboratory and in all  classrooms. All children are able to gain excellent computer skills, word processing and various other skills with our wide selection of programs that range over all subject areas and for a variety of skill levels. Networking means all students have the opportunity to communicate and research through carefully monitored access to the Internet.


Information Communication Technology has been an essential part of the educational approach at Mitcham Primary School. For a number of years the school has worked to ensure all our students have access to the best and latest technology; from computers, Chromebooks, touchscreens  and desk top computers, to tablets (iPads). Aiding in this approach, Mitcham Primary Schools runs a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Program to allowing all students 24/7 access to learning and being able to connect, communicate and create. This also includes sharing their learning, and engaging with their family.

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