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Literacy & Numeracy

At Mitcham Primary School we strive to promote the development of active thinkers with communication and technology skills for the future. Our Learning and Teaching Programs are designed to encourage and promote a love of lifelong learning. Our priority is to explicitly teach Literacy and Numeracy through the deliberate explanation and demonstration of new learning.


Teachers use assessment data to plan and sequence lessons to address the needs of each student, and directly and intentionally teach the skills and strategies that students need to achieve curriculum outcomes.


Curriculum programs are provided through a mix of classroom and specialist teaching, and strongly supported by a well-equipped school library, visual art and music rooms, extensive resources and equipment. 

We believe that all students can and will learn and grow by enhancing decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking skills.


The English curriculum comprises Reading, Writing including Spelling, Speaking and Listening.  Mitcham Primary School and indeed all schools are mandated to engage students in becoming literate.


Mitcham Primary School provides a developmental Reading, Writing and Spelling program. Our school is committed to the Early Years Literacy Program (Prep to Year 4) and the Middle Years Literacy Program (Years 5 & 6). Mitcham also provides MiniLit and MacqLit reading intervention programs, and English as a Second Language Program. 


Parents, specialist teachers and classroom teachers provide support for our English program, individually, in small groups and inclusively within the classroom.  Parents who participate in classroom programs are appropriately trained for their role.


Throughout the school Literacy skills are taught within the context of the English program and the Integrated Curriculum Program.


The Mathematics program at Mitcham Primary School aims to develop numerate learners, who engage with Mathematics in their everyday lives. Our focus is to build the understanding, reasoning, problem solving, fluency and language use of our students, so that they may solve problems and deal with situations involving Mathematics in day to day life. The program is delivered through daily lessons and activities, where the children experience learning Mathematics through a range of contextualised and relevant situations. The students’ progress is closely monitored and measured against the Victorian Curriculum.  Numeracy Intervention and Extension Programs are also in place for students who require additional assistance and extension in this area.


The Mathematics program follows the sub-strands through the standards as stated in the Victorian Curriculum. These sub-strands are: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. This content is taught through the proficiencies; Fluency, Problem Solving, Reasoning and Understanding. An understanding and application of mathematical ideas are developed through practical and problem solving activities using a wide range of concrete materials, moving between the concrete and the abstract where appropriate.


As the children move through the school, the strong numeracy foundations that have been established are extended and children are given opportunities to be involved in enrichment activities and various Mathematics competitions. All students from Grades F – 6 are registered to use the ‘Matific’ program which can also be accessed at home.  

See the Department of Education's website for more information on the Victorian Curriculum

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